A few years ago, when I worked at a State-run Detox and Rehabilitation facility, I did not know how much my life was going to become impacted (both personally & professionally). Coming from a sheltered background, I thought I had seen it all when I took on a job as a House Manager a couple of years before at a Homeless Shelter. I never knew that my life would be changed forever by patients at this drug and alcohol facility.
My heart broke for these men and women whom God had created in His own image. It was difficult to witness people struggling from this horrible sickness of drug and alcohol addiction, their spirits and bodies were broken and many believed there was no hope of beating the addiction, but they still kept coming for treatment. Each day I came to work, I saw it as my mission field. I was truly blessed that God had chosen me as a vessel to be used for His glory in this place. While working there, I met those who believed in God. Those who didn't, and another group that didn't want to have anything to do with Him. I managed to, when the opportunity presented itself to share my faith with as many as would like to listen, both staff and patients alike, just showing up everyday to serve with a smile and it was from there the Lord called me into full-time Christian service.
As a professional life coach specializing in addiction recovery and an ordained minister, I am able to impact these precious souls' lives more for Christ outside a restricted setting; ( i.e being able to serve my clients more effectively in a faith based outpatient environment once they have undergone medical detox and rehab.
With the Holy Spirit's guidance, I aim to transform individuals' lives by first changing their mindset ( the way they think). "And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what that good is, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God. Romans 12:2." Once the mind has been transformed, the thought process changed, then we can now move forward to helping the individual make better life decisions, which will eventually result in living joyous, victorious and fulfilling lives.
If you or someone you know is struggling with one addiction or the other, and believe that the resurrection power of the Lord Jesus can heal and make you free, reach out to us today. We are more than happy to work with you, taking you from where you are now to where you want to be in your life's journey.
With God all things are truly possible!!!
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